Skin Lesions / Birthmarks
Skin lesions are common in young children. These may be small and simple, or large birthmarks, which can be very disfiguring and challenging.
Vascular lesions are likewise common and don’t always need a surgical approach. Care must be taken with these when they occur around the eyes, nose and mouth and our vascular team at Sydney Children’s Hospital are often involved in care if this is the case.
Cysts and benign tumours are also common in children. Again, these are usually simple and easily removed but may be more complex, particularly around the eyes and nose, and require further investigation and more complex surgical treatment.
Skin tags are commonly found around the ears and, although not a problem from a functional viewpoint, are usually removed as they become a source of teasing in older life.

Our Procedures
Our philosophy is to treat all patients as we would be expected to be treated ourselves.
A/Prof. Mark Gianoutsos