Brow Lift
The upper third of the face contributes largely to its youthful appearance and the brow, in turn contributes significantly to this. Ptosis, or droop, of the brow lends a tired or harsh look, as well as contributing to apparent skin excess in the upper eyelids.
Elevation, or repositioning, of the brow can be achieved in a number of ways. These range from a more traditional open brow lift, wherein a long incision within or in front of the hairline is used to elevate the brow; to an endoscopic (keyhole) approach, or a more limited ‘lateral brow lift’, where a short incision in the temporal hairline is used. The procedure can also be used to combat frown lines.
It can be done as a day stay procedure or may be combined with other surgery such as blepharoplasty or face lift.
A heavy brow can convey an angry, sad or overly tired appearance. It can result in hooded upper eyelids. A personalised consultation with A/Prof Gianoutsos will provide you with an experienced and careful assessment of your concerns and the appropriate approach to achieve your desired result.
A/Prof Gianoutsos will do your procedure under general anaesthesia with one of the expert and experienced specialist anaesthetists with whom he works on a regular basis.
Brow lift elevates the brow into a preferred position, reducing upper eyelid droop also.
It can either be done through an open approach with an incision across the top of the head above the hairline or more often via an endoscopic approach with limited incisions within the hairline and elevation of the forehead tissues using a surgical telescope. Either way, the tissues are then fixed in an elevated and aesthetically pleasing position and the skin incisions closed
The procedure is often combined with face lift or blepharoplasty.
At the end of the operation, A/Prof Gianoutsos will place a padded dressing on the brow. This generally stays on for around 48 hours at which time it is removed and you are able to shower and wash your hair.
Most often the operation is done as a day only procedure although some patients choose to stay in overnight, this is also the case where brow lift is combined with other procedures.
After discharge you will be seen at A/Prof Gianoutsos’ rooms the following week to check your incision lines and remove any sutures or staples.
You will then be reviewed at around 6 weeks and then six and twelve months.
A/Prof Gianoutsos and his staff are available at any time, however, should you have any queries or concerns.
You should minimize physical activity for the first 72 hours, particularly lifting, straining and stooping.
Depending upon the extent of your procedure, you will need around two weeks out of your normal circulation.
You should avoid very stressful physical exertion for 4 weeks.
Although you will see changes straight away, it is around 3 to 4 weeks that you will see your result.
All surgery carries at least some degree of risk. These are minimized by ensuring you are as healthy as possible and prepared for the operation, by selecting a properly qualified and experienced surgeon and allowing yourself a proper recovery period. The particular risks as well as the expected perioperative course will be discussed in detail with you at your consultation and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.

Our Procedures

Our philosophy is to treat all patients as we would be expected to be treated ourselves.
A/Prof. Mark Gianoutsos