Breast Asymmetry
Where breast asymmetry occurs, there are a number of options for treatment.
Most women have breasts that are slightly different in shape, size or nipple position. On occasion, for developmental reasons, there can be a very noticeable difference in breast size, and with it, shape and nipple position. These developmental breast asymmetries are more often present in younger women and are not infrequently the source of considerable distress for the patient.
Where this is the case, there are a number of options for treatment. Differential sized implants can be used, where the difference is relatively small. Sometimes augmentation of the smaller breast is required. Where the differential is great, one breast might be enlarged and the other reduced.
The issues of undertaking these procedures in young people need to be carefully considered and a thorough discussion of these will be part of your consultation.

Our Procedures

Our philosophy is to treat all patients as we would be expected to be treated ourselves.
A/Prof. Mark Gianoutsos