Massive Weight Loss
Many patients who triumph over their obesity and its medical implications are left ‘let down’ and often times considerably demoralised by the fact that in place of their excessive weight, they are left with a great excesses of skin.
There are many areas where this excess can be manifest. The common areas are the trunk where a body lift type procedure is usually the best option, the arms can be dealt with by brachioplasty, the thighs by thigh lift, the breasts usually by mastopexy, along with implants, and the face and neck with face and neck lift surgery.
Where a number of these procedures is appropriate, it is important to stage the operations so that all areas can be addressed in a safe manner. That is, it may take two or even three stages to achieve the desired improvement.
In my experience, these procedures have a great impact upon the sprits of patients who have undertaken an often long and difficult journey to achieve their desired weight, but who are often distressed by their appearance having done so.
After the tremendous effort involved in losing massive amounts of weight by whatever means, you can understandably feel as emotionally deflated as you are physically. You can be left with saggy skin in many parts of your body – face, neck, arms, breasts, abdomen and thighs. Massive weight loss surgery can address these and procedures are usually combined in a manner tailored to your individual needs. These will be discussed at the time of your personalised consultation with A/Prof Gianoutsos.
A/Prof Gianoutsos performs these procedures under general anaesthesia. Your anaesthetic will be done by one of the expert and experienced specialist anaesthetists with whom A/Prof Gianoutsos works on a regular basis.
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Our Procedures
Our philosophy is to treat all patients as we would be expected to be treated ourselves.
A/Prof. Mark Gianoutsos